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January 31,2011
Town of Princeton, MA
Regular Meeting
January 31, 2011
The meeting was called to order at 5:00 PM.  Present were Chairman Joe O’Brien, Raymond Dennehy, Edith Morgan and Town Administrator John Lebeaux.  

FY11 Warrant #16
The Board reviewed and signed the payroll and vendor warrants from the Treasurer and Accountant.

January 18, 2011- Regular Meeting - Edie moved to accept the minutes. Raymond seconded.  All in favor (3-0).
January 18, 2011- Executive Session - Edie moved to accept the minutes not to be released at this time. Raymond seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Signatures: Continuing Disclosure Certificate to Fund TPS Project
Treasurer Wendy Graves asked the board to sign the Continuing Disclosure Certificate for the Wachusett Regional School Districts (WRSD) recent borrow of $3 million to fund the school project.
Raymond moved to sign the Continuing Disclosure Certificate relative to the issuance of the long term school bond for Wachusett Regional School District. Edie seconded. All in favor (3-0).

Liquor License - The board signed the liquor license which was previously approved for the Wachusett Wine Trader.

Treasurer Position
John reported he received a letter of resignation from Wendy Graves on January 18, 2011. Wendy said she is hoping to train a replacement to make a smooth transition.  Bonnie Schmohl is the Assistant Treasurer. Wendy offered to continue as the appointed Treasurer until a replacement is found. The board thanked Wendy and said they appreciate all she has done during the ten years working for the town. John also thanked Wendy and said it was a pleasure to work with her.  The position is being advertised on the Massachusetts Collectors and MMA websites. It will be on the Town website tomorrow. There is a deadline of February 11 to apply.  

Council on Aging Recommendation
John received a recommendation from the Council on Aging (COA) to appoint Judy DeNittis as a member of the COA. Edie will try to attend the COA breakfast on February 9 and talk with Judy.

2011 Political Calendar
The board reviewed the calendar.

Elected Office Vacancies
The board reviewed the list of upcoming vacancies. Joe stated he does not plan to run for re-election.
John reported that the Town Clerk Lynne Grettum asked the board to vote to fill the vacancy of Trustee of Trust Funds.
Raymond moved to put on a ballot to vote to fill the vacancy of Trustee of Trust Funds. Edie seconded.  All in favor (3-0).

Project Needs Form Submission: Route 140/E. Princeton
John reported a Project Needs Form was submitted to the Massachusetts Department of Transportation on January 26. John is hopeful the document will be reviewed at the February meeting. The next step in the process is project planning.  East Princeton is the designated area. An announcement will be made via Town News stating the Route 140 Safety Improvement Task Force report is on the website

Mechanics Hall & Underutilized Town Assets- Review Charge
The board reviewed draft #4 of the charge. Edie moved to accept charge as presented. Raymond seconded. All in favor (3-0). The appointment process will be discussed at the next meeting.

Thomas Prince School Green Repair Building Committee
John reported the funding for the feasibility study was approved by Rutland at their January 24 meeting. Paxton will vote at their February 15 meeting.

Thomas Prince Middle School Enrollment Study Committee Update
January 25 was deadline to participate in the survey. A total of 341 surveys were complete, which resulted in 12% of voters responding.  Survey results will be released after the February 1 meeting.

Public Safety Committee – Status Update
John reported the committee met to receive a comprehensive presentation from the Fire Department and the ambulance service.  John will send a copy of the detailed presentation to the board.

FY12 Budget
John informed the board that the Governor released the first set of local aid numbers. At this time there is a net decrease of $16,888 to the town. John cautioned this is only a first pass, additional cuts are possible. Regional transportation for WRSD was cut and should not have been.

Other Business
Joe will be absent for the February 28 meeting. Raymond may not be available either. Arrangements will need to be made for the board to sign warrants.

Public Comment

Executive Session
At 6:08 PM Edie moved and Raymond seconded that the Board enter into Executive Session pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(2), to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel, and pursuant to MGL Chapter 30, Section 21(3), to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining, and not to reconvene into open session. The Board voted by roll call: Joe, yes; Raymond, yes; Edie, yes.

Joe announced that the Board was entering into executive session to conduct strategy in preparation for negotiations with non-union personnel and would not reconvene into open session.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brenda Savoie
Administrative Secretary

Referenced Documents
FY 11 Warrant #16
January 18, 2011 Regular Meeting & Executive Session Minutes
2011 Political Calendar
Elected Office Vacancies
Mechanics Hall & Underutilized Town Assets Charge